Flavor Text

Chapter 1 - Backstage Pass


Transcript / Description: Opening Explanation Page

Mika introduces the comic by saying, "Hello! This comic was written to be read like old officially translated manga that was mirrored."

Mika is a small girl with bright red hair, pigtails, bangs in her eyes, with red eyes, and a great big smile that has pronounced front teeth. Mika is wearing a T-Shirt with black sleeves and a dark oval on the chest, as well as a pair of black pants. Mika has a red theme and all of her lines have a red tint to them.

There is a small demonstration example of three comic panels depicting two stick figures meeting, speaking, and then kissing, with 5 speech bubbles with numbers on them indicating the order you are meant to read.

Mika continues, "That means it's read from left to right!"

Mika stands before us holding her hand out with her palm up beneath her words, presenting what she's saying to us.

Mika adds, "Also, if the text is hard to read you can find text transcriptions including image descriptions at NewRem.com/flavortext"

Mika is holding a small dark blue rectangle with a red loop dangling from the top of it. It appears to be something like a convention badge.

"Enjoy the show!"


Transcript / Description: Page 2

A comic page with several panels and a lot of text. At the top left corner it says "Flavor Text, Chapter 1".

A blue lanyard rectangular pass with a red loop dangling from the top of it reads "All Access Back Stage Pass"

Shiné is a blonde haired woman with a long ponytail and bangs that hang in front of her eyes and on the sides of her head. She has dark blue eyes and wears a white shirt with dark beige pants. Shiné has an unamused expression as she holds the lanyard in her hand and reads it.

Mika, who stands a full head shorter than Shiné, looks up at her, saying "It's a present from Alex! He's holding a concert outside our house!"

Shiné tosses the pass aside, proclaiming "As if I'd accept something like this!" to Mika's confusion.

"Ah??" Mika exclaims, then reaches down to pick up the pass off the floor. "I don't get it. Why do you hate Alex so much?"

Shiné answers, "He's my ex. We dated, he turned into a jerk, and I broke up with him."

"I know, but that was four years ago," Mika says, standing back up straight, holding the pass.

"He said this was his way of extending an olive branch," Mika adds presenting the pass to Shiné once again.

Shiné glowers and says, "The only way he'd do that is if I were allergic to olives."


Transcript / Description: Page 3

Mika holds the pass up to Shiné with a cheerful smile. She says, "Well whether you go or not doesn't matter to my quest. Would you please take the pass so I can mark the delivery as complete?"

Shiné closes her eyes and gives a pained slight smile, agreeing. "Alright fine, give it here." she says, holding out her hand for Mika to hand it to her.

"OK!" Mika exclaims. Mika's arms stretch to triple their normal length as she reaches forward and puts the loop of the lanyard necklace up and over Shinés head and around her neck. Shiné's hair bristles and her eyes open up wide with surprise.


Transcript / Description: Page 4

"And sent!" Mika cheers, tapping her finger on a floating rectangle with a picture of Shiné wearing the pass from the perspective of Mika. On the screen, Shiné is more detailed and in full color. She is wearing a green shirt, the blue pass around her neck, and her hair is noticeably bright yellow with golden orange highlights.

"That's 1000 QP in the bank." Mika announces.

"A thousand to deliver a pass??" Shiné asks with a grumpy look on her face.

"1000 for a picture of you wearing it," Mika clarifies.

Shiné grips the pass in her hand and shouts, "If it's for a photo then he should be paying you in Bux, not QP!"

Mika starts walking away from Shiné, saying, "Oh it's just a proof requirement!" Mika waves her hand in the air, looking back at Shiné and sings, "Anyway seeyaaa!"

Shiné examines the pass with a look of frustration as a bright red light, just out of frame glows, scattering red light over Shiné's face and hair, while a low hum is heard coming from the light. Shiné ignores this, more concerned with the pass. The light goes out just as quickly as it came, and Mika is gone.

From off screen there is a voice that says, "Do you need me to babysit Heather for the night, then?"

Shiné turns her grumpy expression to look at a blue table with a blanket hanging from the sides like curtains. A japanese style kotatsu.

Popping their head out from under the table is a woman with blue hair, yellow eyes, white gloves with black stars on the back of them, a white scarf, and a black hat that has an emoticon emblazoned on it that looks like a smiling cat's face. The hat also has holes cut into it to make way for a pair of cat ears, the same color as her dark blue hair with white tufts of hair growing on the inside.

This woman's name is Shædo. She smiles with open curiosity, lying her stomach flat on the floor with her elbows out to the sides and her hands near her chin, which is very slightly raised off the floor, much the way a cat might lie down.


Transcript / Description: Page 5

Shiné glares at Shædo with her hands on her hips. "It's not babysitting when you watch her! She's your kid too, y'know." Shiné scolds.

Shædo, unfazed, sings, "Oooh! How could I forget that we legally adopted Heather together, my wife!" Shaedo climbs out from under the table and ambles to stand up, continuing, "That in spite of being sisters we are legally husband and wife under Moncrefe law!" The symbols on Shædo's hat morph and change from a simple smiling cat to a more intense smiling cat with diagonal eyebrows pointing in the same direction. "How could I forget that I got legally bound to my sister! Wow! I'm really forgetful!"

Shaedo is shown to also be wearing white pants and shoes as she stands up. Her shoes have white conical spikes on a black bar across the top of them.

"Alright! Sorry! I'm a little upset at the moment." Shiné rolls her eyes, turning away and starts to remove the pass from around her neck.

"Really?" Shaedo asks, sarcastically. "No..." Her hat has become the smiling cat face again.

Shædo walks up to stand closer to Shiné and repeats, "But yeah... Do you need me to watch Heather?" with her hat displaying a neutral expression.

Shiné pulls the pass off of her head, and the her long ponytail through the loop of the lanyard, replying "Why?" with bitter disgust.

"So you can go to the concert??" Shaedo says with an upward inflection like that should be obvious to Shiné. Her hat shows a cheeky roll of the eyes.

Shiné flicks the pass into Shaedo's face with a soft wap sound. Both the face on her hat and the face on her head clench their eyes shut.

"And why would I go?" Shiné exclaims, turning her back to Shaedo and throwing her arms out to the sides, beginning to angrily pace around the room.

"Why not? The concert's right outside your house." Shædo says, holding the pass gently in her hand like one might hold a drink at a party. Her hat rolls its eyes again, this time with a bored look.


Transcript / Description: Page 6

"He's performing outside our house!?" Shiné shouts, throwing her arms up over her head and starts stomping away from Shædo. The scene shows they are standing in a very large white room, about the size of a school gymnasium with a very high ceiling.

"Yeah, Mika told you already," Shædo reminds her.

Shiné turns back to look at her sister. "You know he does this sort of thing all the time?"

A simplified representation of Shiné listening to audio on her headphones is shown alongside narration from Shiné. "I find a new audiocast I like, and then... ...next week he's a guest voice on it!"

A banner reading "Brought to you by" with a logo that looks like a squared number 8 with a line coming out of the middle on the left side. It's a logo for Alex that can spell out the letters of his name the way letters are displayed on a 7 segment display, wich an extra line on the left side providing a cross for the X.

Shiné continues, "He also donates money to things I like so his name goes on them and like..."

Shædo interrupts to smugly remark, "Oh. I wouldn't know. I don't passively consume media that survives off the sponsorship of rich people."

"Yes you do," Shiné retorts with her hands on her hips.

Shædo fans the air with the pass. "Well either way, you should go."

"Why would I do that?" Shiné demands.


Transcript / Description: Page 7

Shædo says, "You and Alex have a storied history together, Shiné! He wasn't always this shitty to you!"

A simplified representation of Shiné and Alex, who we haven't seen yet but here we see a stick figure with spiky hair like a 90s jRPG protagonist. The two of them are having a verbal argument where Shiné looks very mad and Alex looks like he's enjoying it.

"We fought every single day, Shædo!" Shiné shoots back. "You weren't there when you weren't there!"

"You made such a good team when you weren't fighting, though." Shædo argues, but her hat shows a sad face.

"When we weren't fighting each other!" Shiné shouts. "We were always fighting! If not each other then monsters, soldiers, or even Gods!" Next to Shiné holding up her palms is another simplified picture of Alex, Shiné, and this time a third person who Alex is beating over the head with an electric guitar while Shiné holds up her hands, covered in magic sparkles.

Shiné closes her eyes and above her floats a simplified representation of Alex and Shiné where Alex looks angry with Shiné and Shiné just looks confused and scared.

"And when we ran out of giant fire breathing skeleton constructs and tried to settle down and just... enjoy the world we saved, I quickly realized he never cared about saving the world in the first place!" Shiné recalls. "He just wanted to fight! And now he had no one to fight but me! I don't want to fight anymore."

"OK but like... why not?" Shædo asks, blankly. "You're way easier to understand when you're miserable so I'd appreciate it if you went and got in a huge fight with your abusive ex, I guess." Shædo's hat smirks and looks off to the side.

"Yeah, no thanks." Shiné answers with a smirk of her own.

"Daang~" Shædo sings.


Transcript / Description: Page 8

Shiné mildly scolds her sister, "You're lucky you're wearing your hat. You need to work on your sarcasm tone."

Shædo glibly replies, "I'm always in my hat. Also take your litter," while holding up the back stage pass in pinched fingers like it's a dirty rag.

Shiné takes the pass and glares at it again. "What am I supposed to do with it?" she asks, her eyes filled with annoyance.

"I don't know. Sell it?" Shædo offers, heading back to her table to go back to sleep under it.

Heather opens the door to Shædo's room on the far left of the massive gymnasium sized white room. It's a brown wooden door with a white handle. Heather is a small girl, a little shorter than Mika, who comes up to Shiné's shoulder. She is wearing a plaid skirt, white socks, black mary jane patent leather shoes, a sweater vest, a white button up shirt, and a tie tucked into the vest. She also has a pin in her hair that looks like a dagger with a drop of blood dripping off the end of it. Heather has side swept bangs, and shoulder length hair that curls and splays out to the sides at the bottom. She is rendered in purple and her face is drawn much more simply than the other two, with vertical lines for eyes making her face resemble an electrical socket, or the faces on Shædo's hat.

As Heather enters the room, Heather calls out to Shædo, "Hey Shædo? There are a lot of people outside..." She looks pretty annoyed.

"Oh!" Shiné exclaims, clapping her hands together with the pass between them and jaunting over to Heather. "Heather! Just who I wanted to see!" Shiné's bangs bounce out to the sides, revealing a pair of blue teardrop dangling earrings.

Heather looks ever more annoyed now, looking up at Shiné's smiling face.

"How would you like to go to a concert all by yourself?" Shædo asks, presenting the pass to Heather.

Heather starts to shoot the offer down, "I don't want to go to some stu--" but she stops when she examines the pass with wide eyed awe. "...Wait..."


Transcript / Description: Page 9

Heather snatches the pass right out of Shiné's hand, to Shiné's pleasant surprise. Heather was being very rude doing that but Shiné wasn't going to scold her for it this time. "Uh, yeah‽ I got this ticket, but I'm not going, and it's right outside, so..." Shiné explains.

"Shiné, this isn't a ticket, this is an all access backstage pass!" Heather says, already wearing it around her neck, and glowering again. "Since you seem to not understand the difference, allow me. We could sell this to any fan of Alex for 90k easy."

"Well I don't need 90k. I thought you might like to go. He's popular with kids your age, right?" Shiné offers, smiling patiently.

"I mean..." Heather looks away. "I like some of his stuff but I don't listen to it much because my recommendations get filled with his popular songs and I'm into his more obscure songs, like Glory Kill, and Permafrost, and Other Me, and Dancing with Demons, and Bloodsuckers, and..."

Heather looks back up at Shiné with a look of curious anticipation. "Wait... you said all by myself?"

"Yeah..." Shiné smiles slyly and holds up her palm and gently rolls it in the air as she speaks. "You think you can handle it?"

"I can tell people that I went alone‽" Heather asks with wide eyed astonishment.

"Uh... yeah, you could record a vroll of it too." Shiné answers.

"Thank you!" Heather exclaims and hugs Shiné, to Shiné's huge surprise.


Transcript / Description: Page 10

Heather recoils from the hug, holding the pass in one hand, and shoving Shiné hard in the gut with her other hand.

Heather holds up her thumb, pointing behind her at the door and says, "I'm leaving to get a nice seat, then! Deshi dashi!"

Shiné, with disheveled hair, sitting against the table Shædo is underneath, which is on the far end of the room opposite the door, replies, "Have a good time. Be safe."

The next panel shows a wide shot of the entire room, with Shiné and the table on the far right side, and the door slamming shut on the far left side, revealing that Heather must have shoved Shiné hard enough to send her around 40 meters away.

Shædo pops her head out from under the table and asks, "Should I follow her and make sure she doesn't get lost?"

Shiné answers, "Oh I'm sure she'll be fine."

The scene follows Heather as she walks down the hall looking happily at her All Access Back Stage Pass, with a close up of the pass, and then as she walks down the hall and past another large room, this one with a giant armchair in the middle with a small brown haired woman curled up against the left arm rest, and around the room are several open doorways, and lots of pillars, each color coded a different color.

"Afterall..." Shiné says.


Transcript / Description: Page 11

The scene follows Heather walking down an enormous set of stairs in the sky outside of an extremely large dome with the tops of skyscraper buildings visible in the distance. Filling the air are large floating dandelion seeds from an enormous dandelion the size of a mountain.

"...The concert is right outside our house." Shiné says as the scene zooms out to show that the giant dandelion is atop a floating island in the sky scattering seeds all across a landscape of mountains, rivers, the ocean, the plains, and auroras in the sky.

At the bottom left there is text that reads, "Flavor Text Chapter 1, Backstage Pass" with @remeranAuthor NewRem.com